Thursday, January 29, 2009

After a couple of weeks off, the whole team got back together (on 1/24/09).  And once again got an amazing amount done.  The only remaining things are some "necessary" safety modifications.  You know like a roll cage.  Which I am sure will be a snap.  Well maybe not a snap, but some bolts with a little drilling into the car.  And we need to put in the kill switch.  I guess in case we need to kill the car, like it is not going to do that on it's own.
At any rate Big Worm took out the entire interior of the car while we where not looking (not looking for like 2 weeks).  Oh and he replaced the long throw stick shifter with a shorter skull head.
What we got done...
- Inside of the car is stripped and installed a skull head stick shifter (thanks again Worm for getting this done ahead of time)
- racing seat installed.  We had to get an adjustable one, because some of us are only knee high to a grasshopper.
- radiator hoses replaced
- cylinder compression checked
- drained coolant and replace with race safe coolant
- oil and filter changed
- transmission fluid change
- rear differential fluid changed
- driver side window down (trickier than you might think)
- changed the spark plugs
- power steering fluid 1/2 flushed (this is a work in progress)
And I am sure there are several other things that I forgot.   But can you believe after all of that the car still runs, still loud as ever; that reminds me we still need to get a muffler.  And I will leave you with a video of my first lap.

Here are some other videos from the day.  And as always you can see all of the videos @
Seat is installed.  I want one of these for my daily drive now...  I hope that we fit with our helmets

Rear differential fluid draining.  You can't tell from the video but it was the first time that day that a fluid drain plug did not end up in the drain pan.  I rock so hard...  ha
Dirk wanted to check the compression of the engine.  Why you ask? "because the spark plugs where out".  It is a long one so enjoy.
Transmission fluid needs to come out...  Wish I had a video of the oil coming out.  that stuff looked like chocolate milk gone bad.
Oh wait I do have a video of the oil change.  In case you don't know oil should not be that color.
Changing of the coolant fluid.  Yes it should be that color.  And the good news is that Alper and Dirk did get their racing suits ordered if you where wondering.

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